May 28, 2008

Moving out

Why is moving day always a mess?

Our apartment looks like a tornado went through it last night. Everything is covered in boxes and newspapers and stacks of things. I will not post a picture of the other room, I do not want to scare you. 
Our friend is coming with his truck & trailer tonight. Today will be a full busy day :) I am taking some time this morning to get some paperwork/clerical things done. Just some everyday stuff... try and schedule a doctor appointment or two, cancel my cell phone, call the as usual, never a dull moment. 
Please pray that we get everything packed and moved safely. 
(and that we don't kill each other in the process. I think we are both a little stressed!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see the Love & Respect book on your counter there. My couples small group did the workbook over the past few months. We agreed it has some good information but was too repetitive.

May your packing be efficient!