September 17, 2008

Oh Hi Oh Hi OH

Well, we are here safely in Ohio. Thank you for Praying!

We had a safe and uneventful trip from Budapest to NYC. We were very glad that we had a direct flight when we got to the airport and found out that our flight had been delayed almost 3 hours. 

We decided that having New York City as your rentry point to US culture was (for us) a little like diving directly into the deep end.
But we really enjoyed visiting with my (Stasi) sister and her family. We got to hold the baby, play RockBand on their XBox, eat at a Cuban restaurant, and we used Jimmy's ID to bypass ALL the lines at the empire state building.
080913_New York_0304
He is currently at the high end of the brother-in-law list.

We also went to church with them on Sunday and then drove to Micah's parents in Ohio. We were only lost once very briefly (well ok, about 45 minutes) in what might have been the Bronx but we are not sure. :)

We are with Micah's family now, working on adjusting to the latest in a long series of lessons in living flexibly. Once we settle a bit more and find a transformer for the external Hard disks, I will continue work on video for the CampFest DVD. Micah also has a number of projects here that he will be working on. We will also be using this time to visit with as many of our friends who support us as possible. If you want to get together, just drop us a line and let us know.


Amanda said...

this is me - dropping a line and letting you know... that i love you and if i dont get to see you sometime while your home i will be sad... how does ur schedule look over my fall break?

Anonymous said...

if you're ever toward Michigan I would love to see yas!! ~ Tonja