May 22, 2009

This is the last week that we will be collecting questions for an upcoming FAQ (frequently asked questions) newsletter, so please e-mail and let us know what you would like to hear more about! (at this point it will be a really short letter)

 I set up a new feature on our website. You can now subscribe to receive these website updates (more detail, more often!) via e-mail. Just click the Subscribe via e-mail link in the right side column. 

The past week or so has been a busy one, we ate meals with two families, attended a conversation class and our bible study, went to the Bazar (second hand home goods), found a great new place to hike, and a spring with fresh mineral water (it's an acquired taste but we're on our way) we also got directions to a natural hot spring.
A missions group from East Main Church in Grove City stopped by Wednesday to see the Ranch and we went with them in the afternoon to the Tatras national park. It was a beautiful afternoon and we enjoyed the break and the native english speakers :)

It seems like every day something new is added to our home. We now have a kitchen area with vinyl floor, tile backsplash, a refrigerator, microwave, cupboards and a sink. The stove should arrive over the weekend, but I have no clue where we will put it!  Or where we will plug any of this in. We only have one outlet in the downstairs until we re-wire.
We also have new carpet and all the sawdust is gone! 

Along with all his work on our cottage, Micah built some shelves for the terrace kitchen, and helped put up a stage for the program that was here over the weekend 
(notice they were using a minivan to help them pull it up)
370 kids came for some sort of day program! It had a mystery theme, a policeman came (and read from isaiah!) and they basically ran all over. Some sort of safety training meets VBS...I think... It was one of the events that the ranch is just the location for and Micah and I have no real clue what was going on :)

I worked this week to design a logo for the YFC Slovakia training center "Timothy Centrum" and a flier of the upcoming Crown Financial seminar. I also am working on compressing a 64GIG video file to fit on 2 DVD's. I am meeting with only moderate success.
I also helped in the kitchen last Friday making Buchty (a baked roll with filling, we used chocolate) for lunch for the kids who were coming. That was a LOT of fun! (once Mirka gives me the recipe, I'll post the step by step)

For those of you wondering about the status of our visas, we are waiting to hear back from the FBI about our criminal records. After those arrive (hopefully by next week) we will really step it up. But for now it is a waiting game.

We met this morning with our language teacher to discuss some new options for lessons. We have the chance to join another class of Slovak learners or continue with private lessons. We ask that you would continue to pray for wisdom for our decision making. We also appreciate your prayers for language learning, we need a lot of help.

Please continue to pray with us for:
~Language learning and lesson decisions
~A smooth process for the visas (that the FBI clearance comes soon)
~For YFC Slovakia as we gear up for summer events (school ends the 1st of June)

Thank you all for your prayers and support.


Miss Brenda said...

Love, love,love the backsplash. And the posts with pictures. :ove you guys too.

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a're the first person who I've never met irl to do that! Looks like we are on similar journeys - following after Jesus in different places. Blessings on you in your ministry!